[R] String manipulation

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Fri Jun 25 11:33:23 CEST 2004

      Does the following do what you want (or supply the missing gaps): 

 > Args <- paste(c("female", "male"), "= names", 1:2, sep="")
 > Args
[1] "female= names1" "male= names2" 
 > listText <- paste("names.list<-list(",
+         paste(Args, collapse=","), ")")
 > listText
[1] "names.list<-list( female= names1,male= names2 )"
 > names1 <- c("Sue", "Betty")
 > names2 <- c("Bill", "Sam")
 > eval(parse(text=listText))
 > names.list
[1] "Sue"   "Betty"

[1] "Bill" "Sam"

      hope this helps.  spencer graves
p.s.  "str" is the name of a function to "Compactly Display the 
Structure of an Arbitrary R Object".  I prefer to avoid masking 
functions with local objects, even though R can tell which object is 
desired in many but not all contexts.  To avoid this, I often test a 
name before I use it.  When I don't get, "Object ... not found", I try 
something different, e.g., using capital letters somewhere or adding a 
"." at the end.  This also has the advantage of introducing me or 
reminding me of functions I may not have known. 

Robin Gruna wrote:

>let's see, if someone can help my with this one:
>I have the string as follows:
>Now I want to concatenate the items to one string, seperateted by space or
>something else,
>>"one, two, three"
>If possible without a loop.
>My actual goal ist to create string like
>>"female = names1, male = names2"
>and pass it as argument to list(), intending to create a list
>>names.list<-list( female = names1, male = names2)
>Thanks a lot,
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