[R] time series object

Laura Holt lauraholt_983 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 16 01:43:04 CEST 2004

Hi R People:

I have a monthly time series x.ts which runs from 1/1995 through 12/2003.

>x.ts <- ts(x,start=1995,freq=12)
Time-Series [1:108] from 1995 to 2004: -1.638 -0.236  0.830 -0.548  0.363 

My question: is there a way to print the observations from 1/1999 to 6/1999, 
(other than x.ts[49:54])

Thank you in advance!
R version 1.9.0 for Windows
mailto: lauraholt_983 at hotmail.com

a trip to NY

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