[R] [StatDataML] compile error

Patrick Drechsler patrick.drechsler at gmx.net
Fri Jun 11 20:38:22 CEST 2004


sorry if this is OT here. I'm trying to compile StatDataML[1] to
import Matlab data into R. The R part works fine but compiling
the Matlab part exits with this error message (following the
INSTALL instructions: autoconf -> ./configure -> make):

,----[ patrick at trurl:~/src/statdatml/StatDataML/MatOct> make ]
| make[1]: Entering directory `/home/patrick/src/statdatml/StatDataML/MatOct/matlab'
| mex readsdml.c    -Dmatlab
| readsdml.c:26:27: libxml/parser.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

libxml2 is installed:

,----[ patrick at trurl:~/src/statdatml/StatDataML/MatOct> locate libxml/parser.h ]
| /usr/include/libxml2/libxml/parser.h

Can somebody give me a pointer if there's anything else I need
to install to get StatDataML running? Do I need to configure xml

I'm running current Matlab (6.5SP1) and R 1.9.1 alpha on a linux
box (SuSE 8.2Prof).

[1] http://www.omegahat.org/StatDataML/

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