[R] a bug with LAPACK ? non orthogonal vectors obtained with eigen of a symmetric matrix

Stephane DRAY dray at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
Wed Jul 28 20:30:49 CEST 2004

At 11:25 28/07/2004, Roger D. Peng wrote:
>This is interesting.  I can reproduce your results but cannot come up with 
>an explanation.  However, using svd(LINPACK = FALSE) seems to work every 
>time.  Might you consider trying that instead?

I have try to do it with svd but here the problem is that the matrices 
under study have some equal singular values and in this case, I do not have 
u=v for a symmetric matrix (I supose that a linear combination of u 
corresponding to equal singular values allow to obtain the v for the same 
singular values).
i.e. if d2=d3=d4
... and not necessarily u2=v2

But here, I found another problem:

#This is for svd with LINPACK. It works, u vectors are orthogonal (same for v)

or(i in 3:20){
eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(res$d),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 0), TRUE))
print(paste("Grid size",i))
print(paste("u ortho ?",all.equal(diag(1,ncol(resu)),t(resu)%*%resu)))
print(paste("v ortho ?",all.equal(diag(1,ncol(resv)),t(resv)%*%resv)))
print(paste("u == v ?",all.equal(abs(resv),abs(resu))))


#But without LINPACK:

for(i in 3:20){
eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(res$d),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 0), TRUE))
print(paste("Grid size",i))
print(paste("u ortho ?",all.equal(diag(1,ncol(resu)),t(resu)%*%resu)))
print(paste("v ortho ?",all.equal(diag(1,ncol(resv)),t(resv)%*%resv)))
print(paste("u == v ?",all.equal(abs(resv),abs(resu))))

All is fine, except for i=14 where vectors u (and v) are not orthogonal
[1] "Grid size 14"
[1] "u ortho ? Mean relative  difference: 269.2564"
[1] "v ortho ? Mean relative  difference: 2097.224"
[1] "u == v ? Mean relative  difference: 0.7612647"

I  wonder if it is a general problem, a problem due to the structure of my 
matrix (I don't think so) , a windoze problem or a bug in my head !!!


>Stephane DRAY wrote:
>>I have send send this message one week ago but I have receive no answer. 
>>Perhaps, some of RListers were in holidays and do not read my message. I 
>>try again..
>>My problem is that I obtained non orthonormal eigenvectors with some 
>>matrices with LAPACK while EISPACK seems to provide "good" results. Is 
>>there some restrictions with the use of LAPACK ? Is it a bug ? I did not 
>>find the answer. Here is my experiment:
>>  I have obtained strange results using eigen on a symmetric matrix:
>># this function perform a double centering of a matrix 
>># i use spdep package to create a spatial contiguity matrix
>>#compute eigenvalues of a 9 by 9 matrix
>># some eigenvalues are equal to 0
>>eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(res$values),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 
>>0), TRUE))
>># I remove the corresponding eigenvectors
>># then I compute the Froebenius norm with the identity matrix
>>[1] 1.515139e-30
>># The results are correct,
>># then I do it again with a biggest matrix(100 by 100)
>>eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(res$values),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 
>>0), TRUE))
>>[1] 3.986387
>>I have try the same with res=eigen(x,EISPACK=T):
>>  x=dbcenter(nb2mat(cell2nb(10,10),style="B"))
>>eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(res$values),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 
>>0), TRUE))
>>[1] 1.315542e-27
>>So I wonder I there is a bug in the LAPACK algorithm or if there are some 
>>things that I have not understood. Note that my matrix has some pairs of 
>>equal eigenvalues.
>>Thanks in advance.
>>I have continue my experiments in changing the size of my matrix :
>>(3^2 by 3^2, 4^2 by 4^2... 20^2 by 20^2)
>>EISPACK is always correct but LINPACK provide very strange results:
>>  > for(i in 3:20){
>>+ x=dbcenter(nb2mat(cell2nb(i,i),style="B"))
>>+ res=eigen(x,EIS=T)
>>+ eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(res$values),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 
>>0), TRUE))
>>+ res0=res$vec[,-which(eq0)]
>>+ print(sum((diag(1,ncol(res0))-crossprod(res0))^2))
>>+ }
>>[1] 7.939371e-30
>>[1] 2.268788e-29
>>[1] 9.237286e-29
>>[1] 1.806393e-28
>>[1] 3.24619e-28
>>[1] 5.239195e-28
>>[1] 9.78079e-28
>>[1] 1.315542e-27
>>[1] 1.838600e-27
>>[1] 3.114150e-27
>>[1] 5.499297e-27
>>[1] 5.471782e-27
>>[1] 1.075098e-26
>>[1] 1.534822e-26
>>[1] 1.771326e-26
>>[1] 2.342404e-26
>>[1] 3.462522e-26
>>[1] 4.310143e-26
>>  > for(i in 3:20){
>>+ x=dbcenter(nb2mat(cell2nb(i,i),style="B"))
>>+ res=eigen(x)
>>+ eq0 <- apply(as.matrix(res$values),1,function(x) identical(all.equal(x, 
>>0), TRUE))
>>+ res0=res$vec[,-which(eq0)]
>>+ print(sum((diag(1,ncol(res0))-crossprod(res0))^2))
>>+ }
>>[1] 1.515139e-30
>>[1] 1.054286e-27
>>[1] 9.553017e-29
>>[1] 2.263455e-28
>>[1] 5.641993e-27
>>[1] 4.442088e-26
>>[1] 3.996714
>>[1] 3.986387
>>[1] 3.996545
>>[1] 7.396718
>>[1] NaN
>>[1] 7.980621
>>[1] 7.996769
>>[1] 3.984399
>>[1] NaN
>>[1] NaN
>>[1] NaN
>>[1] NaN
>>Note that I have do the same with random number and never find this kind 
>>of problems
>>  > R.Version()
>>[1] "i386-pc-mingw32"
>>[1] "i386"
>>[1] "mingw32"
>>[1] "i386, mingw32"
>>[1] ""
>>[1] "1"
>>[1] "9.1"
>>[1] "2004"
>>[1] "06"
>>[1] "21"
>>[1] "R"
>>Stéphane DRAY
>>Département des Sciences Biologiques
>>Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville
>>Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7, Canada
>>Tel : (514) 343-6111 poste 1233         Fax : (514) 343-2293
>>E-mail : stephane.dray at umontreal.ca
>>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>>PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Stéphane DRAY

Département des Sciences Biologiques
Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale centre-ville
Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7, Canada

Tel : (514) 343-6111 poste 1233         Fax : (514) 343-2293
E-mail : stephane.dray at umontreal.ca

Web                                          http://www.steph280.freesurf.fr/

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