[R] Synatx Error on start with R --no-save < myfile.R

Philipp Heuser philipp.heuser at uni-koeln.de
Tue Jul 13 12:48:31 CEST 2004

Dear all!

I wrote my R-code with an editor and loaded it with source("my_file.R"). 
Everything works fine as expected.

When I try to start my code with:
R --no-save < my_file.R 

I do get a synatx error half way through. The version is 1.9.0 on a Linux 
system. To start it with  R --no-save < my_file.R works on some machines but 
on some it doesn't.

Are there any rules I've to consider, when I want to start it that way?
Any ideas what might cause syntax errors when starting code like that?


Philipp Heuser

CUBIC - Cologne University Bioinformatics Center
Institute of Biochemistry       
University of Cologne                    

Zuelpicher Str. 47                       
D-50674 Cologne, GERMANY       

EMail: philipp.heuser at uni-koeln.de
Phone :  Office +49-221/470-7427 
Fax:     Office +49-221/470-5092

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