[R] Mixed model ANOVA with a nested design

Lars Peters Lars.Peters at Uni-Konstanz.de
Fri Jul 9 18:06:49 CEST 2004

Dear all,

I've got a big problem. I try to analyse my data using R with a mixed model
ANOVA without useful results and success.
My data are as follows:

3 factors (Treatment, Site, Subsite) with 'Subsite' as random factor and
nested into 'Site'.

I want to analyse the effects of the three main effects (factorial design to
a specified degrees (2)) with the interactions between 'Treatment x Site'
and 'Treatment x Subsite' but without 'Site x Subsite'.

I also want to analyse the "magnitude of effects" of all effects

Is anybody out there who could help me with the function and the syntax

Thanks and cheers!


Lars Peters

University of Konstanz
Limnological Institute
D-78457 Konstanz

phone: +49 (0)7531 88-2930
fax:   +49 (0)7531 88-3533
e-mail: Lars.Peters at Uni-Konstanz.de

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