[R] Download Info

Diethelm Wuertz wuertz at itp.phys.ethz.ch
Tue Jul 6 09:50:52 CEST 2004

Maybe somebody can help me with the following questions:

I have submitted Rmetrics to the CRAN server and was looking what happened.

1)  The */contrib/checkSummary.html shows a table which reports the 
daily package check results.
For my packages there is no entry in the column "r-devel", the other 
packages have "OK" or "WARN".
What does it mean?

2) The link to the Mac OSX check summaryseems to be broken?
The requested URL /bin/macosx/r-devel/check/checkSummaryOSX.html was not 
found on this server.
So I couldn't check why one of the packages (fSeries) is missing in the 
MacOSX  binary package

3)  For other packages, e.g. for "gbm", on the package download page 
there are

Package source: 	gbm_1.2.tar.gz <../gbm_1.2.tar.gz>
MacOS X binary: 	gbm_1.1-2.tgz 
Windows binary: 	gbm_1.2.zip 
Index of contents: 	gbm.INDEX
Reference manual: 	gbm.pdf <../../../doc/packages/gbm.pdf>

In my case there are only the "Package source" file and the "Reference 
manual" link. What I have to do
that also the other links appear on this page?

Many thanks in advance Diethelm

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