[R] density(x)

Christoph Hanck Christoph.Hanck at WIWI.UNI-MUENSTER.DE
Mon Jul 5 15:34:11 CEST 2004

Dear experts, 

when trying to estimate an kernel density function with density(x) I get the following 
error message with imported data from either EXCEL or text files:

Error in density(spr) : argument must be numeric.

Other procedues such as truehist work. If I generate data within R density works fine. 
Does anybody have an idea?

Christoph Hanck
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
Lehrstuhl für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, Prof. Dr. Wilfling
WWU Muenster
Tel.: +49-251-83 25043
eMail: 05chha at wiwi.uni-muenster.de

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