[R] load data for mypkg-Ex.R

Jason Sinnwell Sinnwell.Jason at mayo.edu
Fri Feb 27 17:26:48 CET 2004

Using R 1.7.1 in Solaris

I'm developing a package for both Splus and R, and I'm trying to use all the 
same files for R and Splus, both function files and help files.  I have two 

1) The file made by R CMD check to run .Rd-examples posts examples from files in 
alphabetical order.  Is it okay/recommended/common-practice to set up all the 
example data in the first two (alphabetically-sorted) examples and assume that 
data exists for the rest of the examples?  

2)  Since data() is not understood by Splus, I don't want to put a 
	     > data(example.data) 
in the sgml file because then the Splus example would not run as data() doesn't 
exist there.  Is there a spot I can make sure this data is loaded when running 
the examples, but not to load the data every time you load the library, as it 
would take up unnecessary space.  It is a ~~220 x 25 data.frame, is that enough 
size to worry about this? 
I'm considering using the NAMESPACE or .First.lib() within zzz.R but that would 
load the data every time the library is loaded.  Also considering something 
>if (<check for R using is.R()>)
>  data(example.data)
> <run example>

In the example but that would create confusion for users.  

Thanks for your suggestions.

|Jason Sinnwell, M.S.   |
|Mayo Clinic, Rochester    |

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