[R] question

Svetlana Eden svetlana.eden at vanderbilt.edu
Fri Feb 27 16:56:30 CET 2004

Hi everybody.

The question:
I get two vectors 'iFalseFalse' and 'i2'.
I think they should be the same but they are not.
Is it because 
R does not handle complicated logical expressions in such cases 
or I do something wrong?

> z1 = c(NA, "", 3, NA, "", 3)
> z2 = c("", "", 3, NA, 3, NA)
> cV = (as.character(z1)==as.character(z2))
> cV
[1]    NA  TRUE  TRUE    NA FALSE    NA
> iFalse = (c(1:(length(z1))))[(cV==FALSE)]
> iNonNA = (c(1:(length(z1))))[(!(is.na(cV)))]
> iFalse
[1] NA NA  5 NA
> iNonNA
[1] 2 3 5
> iFalseFalse = intersect(iFalse, iNonNA)
> iFalseFalse
[1] 5
> i2 = (c(1:(length(z1))))[( (cV==FALSE)&&(!(is.na(cV))) )]
> i2

Svetlana Eden        Biostatistician II            School of Medicine
                     Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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