[R] Comparison of % variance explained by each PC before AND after rotation
Maurice McHugh
mmchug4 at lsu.edu
Tue Feb 17 15:38:50 CET 2004
Hello again-
Thanks to Prof. Ripley for responding to my previous question.
I would like to clarify my question using sample code. I will use some
sample code taken from ?prcomp
Again, I would like to compare the % variance explained by each PC
before and after rotation.
< code follows >
pca = prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE)
# proportion variance explained by each PC
prop = pca$sdev^2/sum(pca$sdev^2)
# cumulative proportion variance explained by each PC
cumProp = cumsum(prop)
# following print statements also can be obtained
# from print(summary(pca))
# Rotate the PCA loadings through PCs 1 and 2 using VARIMAX rotation
rot = varimax(pca$rotation[,1:2], normalize = TRUE, eps = 1e-5)
< end code >
How can I calculate the new % variance explained by each PC after
rotation ??????
Many thanks once more,
Maurice J. McHugh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography and Anthropology
227 Howe Russell Geoscience Complex
Louisiana State University Phone: (225)578-0476
Baton Rouge, LA Fax: (225)578-4420
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