[R] How to download

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Feb 12 13:09:23 CET 2004

"GAYATRI" <gayatri at igib.res.in> writes:

> I have been trying to install packages from bioconductor or CRAN but
> we get an error message saying "can't open URL http://www.
> bioconductor.org/bin/windows/contrib/1.7/PACKAGES". Kindly help me
> in resolving this problem.

The 1.7 in that URL indicates that you are running version 1.7.x of
R.  The current release is 1.8.1.  It may help to upgrade to the
current release.

>  Further, I would like to know that to whom I should request for
>  scripts of ADE-4 package.

You should be able to install that package with


when running on a computer connected to the internet.  The Windows and
Mac OS X gui versions of R have a menu-bar selection that makes this a
bit easier (see the "Packages" menu).

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