[R] parsing numbers from a string
Liaw, Andy
andy_liaw at merck.com
Mon Feb 9 01:31:30 CET 2004
Here's one possible way:
> xrange <- scan("clipboard", what="")
Read 7 items
> xrange
[1] "(0,74.4]" "(74.4,149]" "(149,223]" "(223,298]" "(298,372]"
[7] "(670,744]"
> sapply(strsplit(substring(xrange, 2, nchar(xrange)-1), ","), as.numeric)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] 0.0 74.4 149 223 298 372 670
[2,] 74.4 149.0 223 298 372 447 744
> From: Jonne Zutt
> Dear R-help members,
> I have several large data sets from certain simulations I did
> and now I want to plot the results nicely.
> I don't know anything about the size of the x and y values in advance.
> Plotting these values is not a problem.
> However, I want to add errorbars (errbar in the Hmisc package).
> 1) For this I'm factoring the data (xdata00 varies from 0 to
> max(xdata00))
> xfactor00 = factor(cut(xdata00, breaks =
> (max(xdata00)/10)*(0:100)))
> 2) I compute the means of the different levels
> ymeans00 = tapply(ydata00, xfactor00, mean)
> 3) I compute the errors of the different levels
> ystdevs00 = tapply(ydata00, xfactor00, sd)
> 4) And then I use the errbar function
> errbar((xlim/20)+(xlim/10)*(0:(length(ymeans00)-1)),
> ymeans00, ymeans00+ystdevs00, ymeans00-ystdevs00, add=T)
> My problem is that the x-values that I provide to the errbar are not
> correct if there are empty parts in my initial data.
> To give an example of this:
> > ymeans00
> (0,74.4] (74.4,149] (149,223] (223,298] (298,372]
> (372,447] (670,744]
> 20.74706 195.90000 275.62500 316.00000 329.75000
> 373.00000 478.75000
> Here we see the 6th and 7th intervals are not neighbors, in
> fact there are three missing.
> The errbar function now plots the last error bar at a too
> small x value.
> A possible solution for me would be to compute the correct x
> value from the following output
> > names(ymeans00)
> [1] "(0,74.4]" "(74.4,149]" "(149,223]" "(223,298]" "(298,372]"
> [6] "(372,447]" "(670,744]"
> I want a vector containing [0+74.4/2, 74.4+149/2, ...etc]
> But I don't know how to parse these strings.
> Does anyone know how to do this, or maybe is there a simpler way?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jonne.
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