[R] Problems with par() and labels with boxplot

michael watson (IAH-C) michael.watson at bbsrc.ac.uk
Thu Aug 26 11:08:00 CEST 2004


I thought it was such a simple problem it didn't warrant too much
detail!  Sorry :-)

OS is Suse Linux 8.2, R version is 1.9.0, device is x11.
Example reproducible code:

subset <- InsectSprays[1:24,]

# this creates normal horizontal text
boxplot(count ~ spray, data = subset)

# lets try vertical text
par(las = 3)
boxplot(count ~ spray, data = subset)

# lets try it with long names
boxplot(count ~ spray, data = subset, names = c('a really, really,
really, really, really long name','a really, really, really, really,
really long name'))

# lets try adjusting the marjins
par(las=3, mar=c(15,4,4,2))
boxplot(count ~ spray, data = subset, names = c('a really, really,
really, really, really long name','a really, really, really, really,
really long name'))

I should state at this point that on Windows, R does as would be
expected ie it draws the labels, but they are truncated if they are too
long.  However, on SuSe Linux, running R 1.9.0, it just doesn't draw the
labels at all if they are too long (it does draw them if they are small
enough to fit on the page)


-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Ligges [mailto:ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de] 
Sent: 26 August 2004 09:48
To: michael watson (IAH-C)
Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [R] Problems with par() and labels with boxplot

michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:

> Quite a simple one really!
> When I run boxplot(), the labels on the X axis are horizontal, and I 
> want them vertical.  So I did:
> par(las=3)
> boxplot(...)
> And my labels just aren't there anymore....
> Any help???

I guess they get clipped and you have to enlarge the margins, but you 
haven't given sufficient details such as
version of R, OS, device you are using, a reproducible example, ...

Please read the posting guide (see citation below).

Uwe Ligges

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