[R] Order with scientific notations

Kevin Wang Kevin.Wang at maths.anu.edu.au
Thu Aug 26 07:46:16 CEST 2004


If a value like 8e-04 is in a data frame, is the following behaviour normal?

   > final.df
      Chr P.values
   1    1   0.0379
   2    6    0.068
   3    2   0.0025
   4   13    8e-04
   5   14   0.0244
   6    3   0.0279
   7    4   0.1561
   8    5   0.9261
   9    7   0.0011
   10   9   0.5125
   11  10   0.2196
   12  11   0.6457
   13  18   0.9272

   > final.sorted <- data.frame(final.df[order(final.df$P.values), ],
   +                            row.names = 1:13)
   > final.sorted
      Chr P.values
   1    7   0.0011
   2    2   0.0025
   3   14   0.0244
   4    3   0.0279
   5    1   0.0379
   6    6    0.068
   7    4   0.1561
   8   10   0.2196
   9    9   0.5125
   10  11   0.6457
   11   5   0.9261
   12  18   0.9272
   13  13    8e-04

I'd think 8e-04 should be the smallest value...?  It's R 1.9.1 on 
Windows XP if that helps.



Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
PhD Student
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
Building 27, Room 1004
Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI)
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200

Homepage: http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~wangk/
Ph (W): +61-2-6125-2431
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