[R] truly object oriented programming in R
Thomas Lumley
tlumley at u.washington.edu
Thu Aug 12 18:46:07 CEST 2004
On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, Jason Liao wrote:
> Good morning! I recently implemented a KD tree in JAVA for faster
> kernel density estimation (part of the code follows). It went well. To
> hook it with R, however, has proved more difficult. My question is: is
> it possible to implement the algorithm in R? My impression seems to
> indicate no as the code requires a complete class-object framework that
> R does not support. But is there an R package or something that may
> make it possible? Thanks in advance for your help.
This code doesn't seem to have any requirement for a class-object
framework. The methods can all be written as functions, there isn't any
use of inheritance or polymorphism. The data structure can then be a list.
Now, you might want to make this list an object, to improve printing or to
make it easier to check that the functions don't get called with arguments
that aren't really k-d trees. This is well within the facilities of even
the S3 method system.
AFAICS the only class/object facility that Java provides and the
"methods" package doesn't is enforcement of "private" methods and data,
which has absolutely no impact on the complexity of programs (it can
affect how easy code *maintenance* is, because it forces you to decide
what is and isn't in your API, but that's a separate issue).
The old S3 class system is weaker, since it doesn't support function
polymorphism based on more than one of the arguments and doesn't have
reliable reflectance facilities.
> Java implementation of KD tree:
> public class Kdnode {
> private double[] center; //center of the bounding box
> private double diameter; //maximum distance from center to
> anywhere within the bounding box
> private int numOfPoints; //number of source data points in the
> bounding box
> private Kdnode left, right;
> public Kdnode(double[][] points, int split_dim, int [][]
> sortedIndices, double[][] bBox) {
> //bBox: the bounding box, 1st row the lower bound, 2nd row
> the upper bound
> numOfPoints = points.length;
> int d = points[0].length;
> center = new double[d];
> for(int j=0; j<d; j++) center[j] =
> (bBox[0][j]+bBox[1][j])/2.;
> diameter = get_diameter(bBox);
> if(numOfPoints==1) {
> diameter = 0.;
> for(int j=0; j<d; j++) center[j] = points[0][j];
> left = null;
> right = null;
> }
> else {
> int middlePoint =
> sortedIndices[split_dim][numOfPoints/2];
> double splitValue = points[middlePoint][split_dim];
> middlePoint =
> sortedIndices[split_dim][numOfPoints/2-1];
> double splitValue_small =
> points[middlePoint][split_dim];
> int left_size = numOfPoints/2;
> int right_size = numOfPoints - left_size;
> double[][] leftPoints = new double[left_size][d];
> double[][] rightPoints = new double[right_size][d];
> int[][] leftSortedIndices = new int[d][left_size];
> int[][] rightSortedIndices = new int[d][right_size];
> int left_counter = 0, right_counter = 0;
> int[] splitInfo = new int [numOfPoints];
> for(int i = 0; i < numOfPoints; i++) {
> if(points[i][split_dim] < splitValue) {
> for(int j=0; j<d; j++) leftPoints[left_counter][j] = points[i][j];
> splitInfo[i] = right_counter;
> left_counter++;
> }
> else {
> for(int j=0; j<d; j++) rightPoints[right_counter][j] = points[i][j];
> splitInfo[i] = left_counter;
> right_counter++;
> }
> }
> // modify appropriately the indices to correspond to the new lists
> for(int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
> int left_index = 0, right_index = 0;
> for(int j = 0; j < numOfPoints; j++) {
> if(points[sortedIndices[i][j]][split_dim] < splitValue)
> leftSortedIndices[i][left_index++] = sortedIndices[i][j] -
> splitInfo[sortedIndices[i][j]];
> else rightSortedIndices[i][right_index++] = sortedIndices[i][j]
> - splitInfo[sortedIndices[i][j]];
> }
> }
> // Recursively compute the kdnodes for the points in the two
> splitted spaces
> double[][] leftBBox = new double[2][];
> double[][] rightBBox = new double[2][];
> for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
> leftBBox[i] =
> (double[])bBox[i].clone();
> rightBBox[i] =
> (double[])bBox[i].clone();
> }
> leftBBox[1][split_dim] = splitValue_small;
> rightBBox[0][split_dim] = splitValue;
> int next_dim = (split_dim + 1) % (d);
> left = new Kdnode(leftPoints, next_dim, leftSortedIndices,
> leftBBox);
> right = new Kdnode(rightPoints, next_dim, rightSortedIndices,
> rightBBox);
> }
> }
> public double evaluate(double[] target, double delta, double
> bandwidth) throws Exception
> {
> double dis_2_center = Common.distance(target,
> center)/bandwidth;
> double dm = diameter/bandwidth;
> if(dis_2_center >= 1+dm) return 0.;
> if(numOfPoints==1) return Common.K(dis_2_center);
> /*if(dis_2_center<1)
> {
> double temp2 = dm*Common.KDeriv(dis_2_center);
> if(temp2<delta) return
> Common.K(dis_2_center)*numOfPoints;
> } */
> return left.evaluate(target,delta, bandwidth) +
> right.evaluate(target,delta, bandwidth);
> }
> public double get_diameter(double[][] bBox)
> {
> double value = 0., diff;
> for (int i=0; i<bBox[0].length;i++)
> {
> diff = (bBox[1][i] - bBox[0][i])/2.;
> value += diff*diff;
> }
> return Math.sqrt(value);
> }
> }
> =====
> Jason Liao, http://www.geocities.com/jg_liao
> Dept. of Biostatistics, http://www2.umdnj.edu/bmtrxweb
> University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
> phone 732-235-5429, School of Public Health office
> phone 732-235-8611, Cancer Institute of New Jersey office
> moble phone 908-720-4205
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Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu University of Washington, Seattle
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