[R] Help with generating data from a 'not quite' Normal distriburtion

Crabb, David david.crabb at ntu.ac.uk
Thu Aug 12 10:44:29 CEST 2004

I would be very grateful for any help from members of this list for what
might be a simple problem...

We are trying to simulate the behaviour of a clinical measurement in a
series of computer experiments. This is simple enough to do in R if we
assume the measurements to be Gaussian, but their empirical distribution
has a much higher peak at the mean and the distribution has much longer
tails. (The distribution is quite symmetrical) Can anyone suggest any
distributions I could fit to this data, and better still how I can then
generate random data from this 'distribution' using R?

Dr. David Crabb
School of Science,
The Nottingham Trent University,
Clifton Campus, Nottingham. NG11 8NS
Tel: 0115 848 3275   Fax: 0115 848 6690

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