AW: [R] built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x

Khamenia, Valery V.Khamenia at
Tue Aug 10 09:53:53 CEST 2004

hi tony,

> What exactly do you mean by this?
> 1. generation of Sweave-style docs from R programs or interaction?  

neither (if i correctly interpret your question).

> 2. tools for doing docs and analysis at the same time?  Emacs Speaks
> Statistics has supported this with R since last century (1997 or so).

as you have seen, i use emacs and even since last century :)

> 3. the vignettes of Bioconductor?

not sure.

> 4. a text book in line with the above?


I think just smarter C-c C-r would be kind of trade-off here.

hm, maybe there are some other voices here similar to mine?
It would be easier to discuss the subj. 


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