[R] manipulating strings

Stephen Nyangoma S.Nyangoma at cs.rug.nl
Sun Aug 8 20:58:04 CEST 2004

I have a called fil consisting of the following strings.

> fil
  [1] " 102.2 639"   " 104.2 224"   " 105.1 1159"  " 107.1 1148"  
      " 108.1 1376"
  [6] " 109.2 1092"  " 111.2 1238"  " 112.2 349"   " 113.1 1204"  
      " 114.1 537"
 [11] " 115.0 303"   " 116.1 490"   " 117.2 202"   " 118.1 1864"  
      " 119.0 357"

I want to get a data frame like

Time    Obs
102.2   639
104.2   224
105.1  1159
107.1  1148
108.1  1376
109.2  1092
111.2  1238
112.2   349
113.1  1204  
114.1   537

Can anyone see an efficient way of doing this?

Thanks. Stephen

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