[R] Question on Differentiating Two Populations in R

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Sun Aug 8 05:18:53 CEST 2004

Sounds like you need a course in statistics.  This is a 2-sample
comparison problem.  It might be worth finding a local stat
consultant, it shouldn't take much time.

"James R. Graham" <jamesrgraham at mac.com> writes:

> Hello All,
> Forgive me if this a blatantly newbie question or not germane to the
> list, but i was wondering if my current approach to my problem is the
> best way in R.
> I have two experimental datasets (positive and negative) of differing
> lengths and a large number of ways of numerically expressing the data
> by using various scales to represent each data point.
> I am looking for a scale that will allow me to differentiate between
> the positive and negative populations.
> Each dataset is simply a list of numbers: 43 numbers in the positive
> case and 9 in the negative (small sets, i know, but it's all the data
> i currently have) and I have hundreds of scales.
> I assign each dataset to a variable using scan() (each are in separate
> files).
> My initial comparison of the two datasets is simply a boxplot with the
> hope that the two do not overlap too much...
> Is this the way you would approach this problem? Is there an easier
> way of doing this in R?
> Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
> james
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Anthony Rossini			    Research Associate Professor
rossini at u.washington.edu            http://www.analytics.washington.edu/ 
Biomedical and Health Informatics   University of Washington
Biostatistics, SCHARP/HVTN          Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
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