[R] How to enter partial hierarchical model in lme()

Matthias Unterhuber MatUnt at gmx.de
Thu Aug 5 11:33:08 CEST 2004

I would need some help regarding a partial hierarchical model for anova.
Can anyone help me check whether the model is correct and what I should
enter in lme()?

My research design is (demonstrated for 4 subjects/Blocks):

      |     d1    |     d2    |
      |  a1 | a2  |  a1 | a2  |
Block1| x| x|  |  |  |  |  |  |
Block2|  |  | x| x|  |  |  |  |
Block3|  |  |  |  | x| x|  |  |
Block4|  |  |  |  |  |  | x| x|

Altogether there 92 subjects (about equal number for each condition)

A: random effect
B: random effect
Block: random effect
D: fixed effect

My analyis:

A and D are nested in Block, but A is not nested in D, and D is not nested
in A.

The model I propose is:


My questions are: 

1. Is the model correct?
2. How do I type in the model information for lme?

Thanks in advance,


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