[R] sas vs r

Henric Nilsson henric.nilsson at statisticon.se
Wed Apr 28 18:06:25 CEST 2004

At 11:39 2004-04-28, Göran Broström wrote:

> > If I recall correctly, neither glmmML nor glmmPQL (from MASS) handles
> > offset terms. But GLMM in the lme4 package does.
>glmmML handles offset terms.

You're right. I confused it with glmmML's not being able to fit models with 
family = gaussian. Sorry.

>  I am pretty sure that glmmPQL does too.

glmmPQL doesn't complain about the offset term but ignores it. I guess that 
glmmPQL ignores offsets since lme, upon which glmmPQL depends, ignores offsets.


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