[R] contributed packages and downloads questions

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Tue Apr 20 22:20:26 CEST 2004

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 16:13:09 -0400, "Hanna Craig" <jcraig at vbi.vt.edu>
wrote :

>I am trying to download two library files: multiv and e1071 to do principal
>components analysis. I was able to unzip the folders to my R directory, but
>when I type library(multiv) in the console I get an error message: Error in
>testRversion(descfields) : This package has not been installed properly
> See the Note in ?library
>So, it seems that I am not downloading these two library files properly.
>Where can I find the library files (I cannot find my way back to them for
>some reason) and how do I download them? Thanks!

The easiest way to install a package in Windows (which I assume you're
using, since you're talking about zip files) is to use the "Packages |
Install packages from CRAN" menu entry.  That'll work for both of
those packages.

For future reference, if you want to install a package from a zip
file, you should use the "Packages | Install package from local zip
file" menu entry.

Duncan Murdoch

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