[R] Size of R user base

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Apr 20 16:08:56 CEST 2004

On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 03:33:20PM +0200, Tamas Papp wrote:
> data would be anonymized -- it is a matter of principle.  Note that I
> am using Debian's popularity-contest package, but that was my choice,
Background: popularity-contest sends (IIRC) weekly listings of which of the
over ten thousand Debian packages the reporting machine has installed. This
mechanism is anonymous, and 'double opt-in' as you need to a) install
popularity-contest and b) opt-in during its setup.  There is presumably some
self-selection at work as Debian developers will be overrepresented among
the couple of thousand reporting machines (though I suspect this to be
better now than it once was). That said, it gives some information, and our
cdrom team uses that to distribute all these packages over the binary cdroms
(more popular ones come first). 

The URL is http://popcon.debian.org (but the machine appears to be off-line
right now). The results are ordered by 'distribution' and 'section'. Most of
our many R packages are in 'math', and the last time I checked the results
were pretty good.

There is a overzealous bias-correction in popcon: it tries to count only
packages that are 'used', i.e. where stat() reports that the file has been
touched 'recently'. 

> not somebody else's.  BTW, this package would be able to give some
> statistics on how widespread R is among Debian users.

Ok, given that the machine popcon.debian.org is off-line, the result below
comes from Google's cache. The cache of the front-page indicated some 4300
or so submissions, so we're roughly at 10% of the installations for
r-base-core. Not shabby. If we were to extrapolate that to all Linux users
(I'm kidding here) we'd get truly spectacular numbers. 


#<name> is the package name;
#<inst> is the number of people who installed this package;
#<vote> is the number of people who use this package regularly;
#<old> is the number of people who installed, but don't use this package
#        regularly;
#<recent> is the number of people who upgraded this package recently;
#<no-files> is the number of people whose entry didn't contain enough
#        information (atime and ctime were 0).
#rank name                            inst  vote   old recent no-files  (maintainer)
1     bc                              4320  1646  1054  1619     1 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
2     dc                              3180   608  1095  1477     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
3     gnumeric                        1571   444   445   682     0 (J.h.m. Dassen)                 
4     gnuplot                         1663   388   594   680     1 (Thimo Neubauer)                
5     gcalctool                        840   242   326   272     0 (Sebastien Bacher)              
6     libgsl0                         1130   195   156   144   635 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
7     pdl                              830   130   624    76     0 (Henning Glawe)                 
8     grace                            466   111   276    79     0 (Torsten Werner)                
9     kmplot                           613   100   174   339     0 (Ben Burton)                    
10    octave2.1                        381    96    86   199     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
11    plotutils                        552    92   425    35     0 (Stephen Zander)                
12    kgeo                             481    90   327    64     0 (Ben Burton)                    
13    kpercentage                      588    87   166   335     0 (Ben Burton)                    
14    r-base-core                      435    87   199   149     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
15    octave2.0                        434    85   307    42     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
16    apcalc                           144    61    40    43     0 (Martin Buck)                   
17    maxima                           230    60   154    16     0 (Camm Maguire)                  
18    kig                              353    58    36   259     0 (Ben Burton)                    
19    kbruch                           342    51    28   263     0 (Ben Burton)                    
20    yorick                           317    48   245    24     0 (David H. Munro)                
21    calctool                         765    40   103    22   600 (Sebastien Bacher)              
22    wzip                             179    36   133     9     1 (Andreas Franzen)               
23    rpncalc                          111    31    70    10     0 (David Frey)                    
24    galculator                       179    30    41   108     0 (Sebastien Bacher)              
25    pari-gp                          110    26    75     9     0 (Bill Allombert)                
26    maxima-doc                       123    23    71    10    19 (Camm Maguire)                  
27    maxima-test                      108    23    71    10     4 (Camm Maguire)                  
28    xmaxima                          104    23    71    10     0 (Camm Maguire)                  
29    maxima-share                     117    22    70    10    15 (Camm Maguire)                  
30    maxima-src                       112    22    70    10    10 (Camm Maguire)                  
31    pi                                85    22    47    16     0 (Richard Kreckel)               
32    octave-forge                     102    21    49    32     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
33    saml                              95    21    72     2     0 (Not in sid)                    
34    sc                               118    21    69    28     0 (Chad Miller)                   
35    apcalc-common                     57    19     0    37     1 (Martin Buck)                   
36    geomview                          80    17    58     5     0 (Steve M. Robbins)              
37    grpn                              62    17    41     4     0 (Wartan Hachaturow)             
38    gsl-bin                           96    17    67    12     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
39    gtkgraph                          81    17    62     2     0 (Not in sid)                    
40    octave2.1-emacsen                 79    14    23    42     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
41    scigraphica                       35    14    18     3     0 (David Schleef)                 
42    jgraph                            75    13    60     1     1 (Pedro Zorzenon Neto)           
43    yacas                             87    13    65     9     0 (Gopal Narayanan)               
44    octave2.1-headers                 71    12    24    35     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
45    geg                               82    11    68     3     0 (Frederic Peters)               
46    kmatplot                          56    11    24    21     0 (Hugo Van Der Merwe)            
47    autoclass                         86    10    70     5     1 (James R. Van Zandt)            
48    xsiag                             45    10    33     2     0 (Not in sid)                    
49    axiom                             47     9    32     6     0 (Camm Maguire)                  
50    drgeo                             39     9    26     4     0 (Hilaire Fernandes)             
51    r-mathlib                         49     9    25    15     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
52    siag-common                       48     9    34     3     2 (Not in sid)                    
53    glpk                              30     8    19     3     0 (Falk Hueffner)                 
54    lp-solve                          46     8    34     4     0 (James R. Van Zandt)            
55    oleo                              44     8    31     5     0 (Mario Lang)                    
56    plotmtv                           61     8    50     3     0 (Mikael Hedin)                  
57    pspp                              39     8    26     5     0 (James R. Van Zandt)            
58    tilp                              35     8    24     3     0 (Julien Blache)                 
59    xmgr                              44     8    32     4     0 (Torsten Werner)                
60    xgraph                            69     7    55     7     0 (Barak A. Pearlmutter)          
61    xlispstat                         34     7    21     6     0 (Douglas Bates)                 
62    eukleides                         53     6    44     3     0 (Streph Treadway)               
63    gbase                             38     6    28     4     0 (Josip Rodin)                   
64    slsc                              47     6    38     3     0 (Jim Mintha)                    
65    yacas-proteus                     41     6    31     4     0 (Gopal Narayanan)               
66    gap-core                          37     5    29     3     0 (Bill Allombert)                
67    gap-libs                          37     5    29     3     0 (Bill Allombert)                
68    kseg                              50     5    42     3     0 (Steve M. Robbins)              
69    octave2.0-emacsen                 24     5    16     3     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
70    octave2.0-headers                 14     5     9     0     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
71    plplot-tcl                        38     5    17    16     0 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
72    xeukleides                        41     5    32     4     0 (Streph Treadway)               
73    acl2                              11     4     7     0     0 (Camm Maguire)                  
74    euler                             43     4    26    13     0 (Marco Presi)                   
75    freefem                           18     4    10     4     0 (Christophe Prud'homme)         
76    gretl                             17     4     6     7     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
77    libfreefem0                       19     4    10     3     2 (Christophe Prud'homme)         
78    plplot                            24     4    18     2     0 (Not in sid)                    
79    scigraphica-common                49     4    45     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
80    tsiag                             25     4    19     2     0 (Not in sid)                    
81    x48                               11     4     6     1     0 (Not in sid)                    
82    bugsx                             24     3    16     5     0 (Marcin Owsiany)                
83    dome                              26     3    20     3     0 (Streph Treadway)               
84    evolver                           16     3    10     3     0 (Adam C. Powell, Iv)            
85    freefem3d                          8     3     4     1     0 (Christophe Prud'homme)         
86    genius                             6     3     3     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
87    gerris                            12     3     8     1     0 (Marcelo E. Magallon)           
88    ginac-tools                       17     3     9     5     0 (Richard Kreckel)               
89    gmp-ecm                           23     3    20     0     0 (Laurent Fousse)                
90    kali                              30     3    13    14     0 (Colin Watson)                  
91    mcl                               14     3     9     2     0 (Joost Van Baal)                
92    multimix                          12     3     8     1     0 (James R. Van Zandt)            
93    pgapack                           24     3    19     2     0 (Andreas Franzen)               
94    python-mpi                        17     3     2    12     0 (Matthias Klose)                
95    qhull-bin                         17     3     7     7     0 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
96    quickplot                         35     3    29     3     0 (Gopal Narayanan)               
97    scigraphica-gnome                 12     3     8     1     0 (Not in sid)                    
98    gambit                            20     2    17     1     0 (Peter Van Rossum)              
99    magnus                            15     2    10     3     0 (Ben Burton)                    
100   maria                             14     2    12     0     0 (Ralf Treinen)                  
101   matwrap                           17     2    13     2     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
102   meschach                          26     2    13     2     9 (Drew Parsons)                  
103   nco                               10     2     8     0     0 (Brian Mays)                    
104   op-calculator-fb                   6     2     4     0     0 (Ivan E. Moore Ii)              
105   op-sheet-fb                        9     2     7     0     0 (Ivan E. Moore Ii)              
106   regina-normal                     17     2     4    11     0 (Ben Burton)                    
107   spline                            27     2    23     2     0 (David Frey)                    
108   xspread                           16     2    13     1     0 (Not in sid)                    
109   admesh                            11     1     9     1     0 (Kevin M. Rosenberg)            
110   aribas                            11     1     9     1     0 (Ralf Treinen)                  
111   gap-small-groups                  24     1    22     1     0 (Bill Allombert)                
112   gap-small-groups-extra            14     1    13     0     0 (Bill Allombert)                
113   lbt                               13     1    11     1     0 (Ralf Treinen)                  
114   octave2.0-staticlibs               5     1     4     0     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
115   plplot-bin                         4     1     1     2     0 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
116   r-base                           362     1     8     1   352 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
117   tela                              14     1     3    10     0 (Mikael Hedin)                  
118   xeuklides                          5     1     4     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
119   abacus                             5     0     5     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
120   calc                             149     0     0     0   149 (Manoj Srivastava)              
121   circlepack                        12     0    10     2     0 (Colin Watson)                  
122   cln                                3     0     2     0     1 (Not in sid)                    
123   dstool                             2     0     2     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
124   ess                               87     0     0     0    87 (Camm Maguire)                  
125   euler-doc                          6     0     0     0     6 (Marco Presi)                   
126   freefem-examples                  15     0     0     0    15 (Christophe Prud'homme)         
127   g2                                 1     0     1     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
128   gambit-doc                        20     0     0     0    20 (Peter Van Rossum)              
129   gap                               40     0     6     1    33 (Bill Allombert)                
130   gap-character-tables              14     0     0     0    14 (Bill Allombert)                
131   gap-online-help                   37     0     0     0    37 (Bill Allombert)                
132   gap-prim-groups                   23     0     0     0    23 (Bill Allombert)                
133   gap-table-of-marks                 8     0     0     0     8 (Bill Allombert)                
134   gap-trans-groups                  24     0     0     0    24 (Bill Allombert)                
135   genesis-data                      15     0     0    15     0 (Sam Hocevar)                   
136   genius-dev                         3     0     3     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
137   gmsh                               6     0     0     6     0 (Christophe Prud'homme)         
138   gnumeric-common                  773     0     0     0   773 (J.h.m. Dassen)                 
139   gnumeric-gda                      24     0     0     0    24 (Not in sid)                    
140   gnumeric-plugins-extra           215     0     0     0   215 (J.h.m. Dassen)                 
141   gnumeric-python                   25     0     0     0    25 (Not in sid)                    
142   gnuplot-mode                     100     0     0     0   100 (Ryuichi Arafune)               
143   gnuplot-x11                      142     0     0     0   142 (Thimo Neubauer)                
144   grafix                             3     0     2     1     0 (Not in sid)                    
145   gretl-common                      12     0     0     0    12 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
146   gretl-data                         4     0     0     0     4 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
147   gretl-doc                          3     0     0     0     3 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
148   gsl-ref-html                      41     0     0     0    41 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
149   gsl-ref-pdf                        4     0     0     0     4 (Not in sid)                    
150   gsl-ref-psdoc                    104     0     0     0   104 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
151   libfreefem                         2     0     0     0     2 (Not in sid)                    
152   maxima-emacs                      58     0     0     0    58 (Camm Maguire)                  
153   octave                           264     0     1     0   263 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
154   octave-ci                        181     0     0     0   181 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
155   octave-doc                        38     0     0     0    38 (Not in sid)                    
156   octave-epstk                      86     0     0     0    86 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
157   octave-htmldoc                    35     0     0     0    35 (Not in sid)                    
158   octave-matcompat                  28     0     0     0    28 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
159   octave-plplot                     33     0     0     0    33 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
160   octave-sp                         51     0     0     0    51 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
161   octave-statdataml                 16     0     0     0    16 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
162   octave2.0-htmldoc                 24     0     0     0    24 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
163   octave2.0-info                    31     0     0     0    31 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
164   octave2.1-htmldoc                151     0     0     0   151 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
165   octave2.1-info                   166     0     0     0   166 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
166   pari-extra                        47     0     0     0    47 (Bill Allombert)                
167   plplot-tcl-dev                     3     0     1     2     0 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
168   r-base-html                      337     0     0     0   337 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
169   r-base-latex                     336     0     0     0   336 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
170   r-cran-abind                      18     0     0     0    18 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
171   r-cran-boot                       80     0     0     0    80 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
172   r-cran-car                        24     0     0     0    24 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
173   r-cran-cluster                    79     0     0     0    79 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
174   r-cran-coda                       24     0     0     0    24 (Chris Lawrence)                
175   r-cran-dbi                         8     0     0     0     8 (Steffen Moeller)               
176   r-cran-design                     21     0     0     0    21 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
177   r-cran-effects                    19     0     0     0    19 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
178   r-cran-foreign                    81     0     0     0    81 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
179   r-cran-gtkdevice                  35     0     0     0    35 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
180   r-cran-hmisc                      26     0     0     0    26 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
181   r-cran-its                         8     0     0     0     8 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
182   r-cran-kernsmooth                 80     0     0     0    80 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
183   r-cran-lattice                    80     0     0     0    80 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
184   r-cran-lmtest                     21     0     0     0    21 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
185   r-cran-mapdata                    12     0     0     0    12 (Chris Lawrence)                
186   r-cran-maps                       13     0     0     0    13 (Chris Lawrence)                
187   r-cran-mcmcpack                   22     0     0     0    22 (Chris Lawrence)                
188   r-cran-mgcv                       79     0     0     0    79 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
189   r-cran-multcomp                   15     0     0     0    15 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
190   r-cran-mvtnorm                    15     0     0     0    15 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
191   r-cran-nlme                       80     0     0     0    80 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
192   r-cran-qtl                        13     0     0     0    13 (Steffen Moeller)               
193   r-cran-rcmdr                      19     0     0     0    19 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
194   r-cran-relimp                     15     0     0     0    15 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
195   r-cran-rgl                         4     0     0     0     4 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
196   r-cran-rmysql                      6     0     5     1     0 (Steffen Moeller)               
197   r-cran-rodbc                      10     0     0     0    10 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
198   r-cran-rpart                      81     0     0     0    81 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
199   r-cran-rquantlib                   8     0     0     0     8 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
200   r-cran-statdataml                 13     0     0     0    13 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
201   r-cran-survival                   83     0     0     0    83 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
202   r-cran-tkrplot                    15     0     0     0    15 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
203   r-cran-tseries                    16     0     0     0    16 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
204   r-cran-vr                         81     0     0     0    81 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
205   r-cran-xml                        14     0     0     0    14 (Rafael Laboissiere)            
206   r-noncran-lindsey                 25     0     0     0    25 (Chris Lawrence)                
207   r-omegahat-rgtk                    9     0     8     1     0 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
208   r-other-gking-zelig                3     0     0     0     3 (Chris Lawrence)                
209   r-recommended                    241     0     0     0   241 (Dirk Eddelbuettel)             
210   snappea                           11     0     9     2     0 (Ben Burton)                    
211   sppc                               9     0     4     5     0 (Mikael Hedin)                  
212   task-science                      10     0     0     0    10 (Not in sid)                    
213   umfpack-doc                        2     0     0     0     2 (Not in sid)                    
214   umfpack3                           2     0     1     0     1 (Not in sid)                    
215   umfpack3-dev                       1     0     1     0     0 (Not in sid)                    
216   yorick-gist                        2     0     1     1     0 (Not in sid)                    
216   Total                          29665  5516  9708  7546  6895                             

The relationship between the computed price and reality is as yet unknown.  
                                             -- From the pac(8) manual page

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