[R] warning messages

Kersten Magg Kersten.Magg at web.de
Tue Apr 6 10:04:01 CEST 2004

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I've got some problems with warning messages. In the context of complex statistical simulations I use among other things the function glm(). During large replications in the simulation study I get sometimes different kinds of warning messages. For example: model did not converge or fitted probabilities 0 or 1, ... 
My question is now: how can I handle these messages? I want to transform the special warning message in a binary code and want to save it in a vector of warnings. The problem I've got is that
the command last.warning doesn't work if I start the simulationen with source("..."). The function glm() is part of R-programs in second or third level. I think the top-level function is the cause of 
my problems but I don't know how I can solve the problem.

Could you help me?!
Thanks a lot!

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