[R] persp graphs

Mario Alberto Cozzuol mario at unir.br
Sun Sep 21 00:46:58 CEST 2003

On Saturday 20 September 2003 12:18, Uwe Ligges wrote:
> So you are not going to plot a surface, but "just" a set of points? In
> that case persp() is inadequate. For example you can use cloud() in
> package lattice, scatterplot3d() in package "scatterplot3d", the
> packages djmrgl and rgl, or xgobi or ggobi as external software.

Actually I want to plot a surface, a geographic surface just like the volcano 
in the example, this is because does not make sense to order x and y. In my 
case the z values are the pH value for the soil at each poit.
I am missing something?



Dr. Mario A. Cozzuol
Laboratório de Biologia Evolutiva
Universidade Federal de Rondônia
BR 364, Km 9,5
78900-000 Porto Velho, RO
Tel./Fax 55 69 217-8593 
E-mail mario at unir.br

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