[R] Errors in making a DLL file

gxx4@cwru.edu gxx4 at cwru.edu
Sat Sep 20 22:09:38 CEST 2003

Hi, all:
I want to call a c program in the windows version R, so I installed ActivePerl and
MinGw, wrote the code below in command prompt:

Rcmd SHLIB filename.c

and I got the error message as follows:

Error: c:/R/rw1071/src/gnuwin32/MakeDLL 16: common syntax error.
There are errors on line 16 18 20 22 25 28 43 44 45 47 49 50 51 52 53 79 80 81 83. 

Has any one met the same problem before? Do I need other tools installed?

Best Wishes,
Guan Xing

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