[R] xgobi vs ggobi
(Ted Harding)
Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk
Thu Sep 18 22:18:51 CEST 2003
Hi Folks,
I'm at the point where I'd normally install xgobi (which I've
used and found very useful), but there is the alternative of
ggobi (now at version 0.9).
Would anyone with experience of both care to indicate the
merits of either relative to the other?
The other thing I can't make out too clearly from the ggobu
website is quite what's involved in choosing between the
various options. I gather you have to install ggobi itself
(presumably the "standalone"), and then Rggobi; but there are
options for ggobi:
# stand-alone,
# stand-alone with XML support,
# stand-alone and embeddable ggobi library,
(this implies an embeddable ggobi library is created.)
# stand-alone and embeddable ggobi library with XML support,
# R interface (allowing ggobi to be controlled from R)
# Python interface (allowing ggobi to be controlled from Python)
# Perl interface (allowing ggobi to be controlled from Perl)
I'm not a Perl fan, so won't be strongly tempted by that option.
I might find a use for Python, however, and clearly I need the
R interface. I'm more at a loss about the first four:
# With/without XML support, with/without embeddable ggobi library
Is there likely to be much advantage, for normal use, in XML?
Are there serious implications in the footprint with this option?
[I'm not generously endowed with RAM here, and would like to keep
as much as possible for real things, i.e. analysing data]
What are the merits of the embeddable library?
With thanks,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 18-Sep-03 Time: 21:18:51
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