[R] Weird problem with median on a factor

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at web.de
Fri Oct 31 10:34:06 CET 2003

Simon Fear schrieb:
> What do you expect the median of a factor to be? Are
> you sure you don't want the *mode* (most common
> value)?

That's not the point, I was just playing around interested in 
the output of the median and surprised, that it worked for 
column 264. But I wonder why the median does not work with 
column 566, although I can't figure out any difference between 
the two columns.


Thanks for your answer!


Christoph Bier, Dipl.Oecotroph., Email: bier at wiz.uni-kassel.de
Universitaet Kassel, FG Oekologische Lebensmittelqualitaet und
Ernaehrungskultur \\ Postfach 12 52 \\ 37202 Witzenhausen
Tel.: +49 (0) 55 42 / 98 -17 21, Fax: -17 13

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