[R] importing SAS data

Paul Green pgreen at umich.edu
Wed Oct 29 16:54:33 CET 2003

I am trying to import a permanent SAS data
set using read.ssd in the foreign library. I get
the following error:

 > list.files("C:/temp")
[1] "newdat1.sas7bdat" "snpm1.sas7bdat"   "test1.sas"
 > library(foreign)
 > newdat1 <- read.ssd("C:/temp","newdat1")
SAS failed.  SAS program at 
a log and other error products should be in the vicinity
Warning messages:
1: sas not found
2: ls not found
3: SAS return code was -1 in: read.ssd("C:/temp", "newdat1")

I can export the SAS data as a tab delimited file and then read
it into R with read.delim, but I have many SAS files I need to
look at. Does anyone have experience with this?


Paul Green

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