[R] Automatically updating GLM object

LE TERTRE Alain a.letertre at invs.sante.fr
Wed Oct 22 09:18:01 CEST 2003

Dear all,
i generated several GLM objects, named myobject1 to myobject25.
Now i'd like to update both of them.
So i tried:

for(ii in 1:25) {
     assign(paste("myobject.updated", ii, sep=""), update( myobject[ii]
,.~ + VAR2))

Doesn't work
I also tried to get all the names in a vector and
update(names.myobject[ii],.~ + VAR2)
Stiil doesn't work

Any ideas

O__ ---- Alain Le Tertre
 c/ /'_ --- Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS)
(*) \(*) -- 12 rue du val d'Osne
~~~~~~~~~~ - 94415 Saint Maurice cedex FRANCE
Voice: 33 1 41 79 67 50 Fax: 33 1 41 79 67 68
email: a.letertre at invs.sante.fr

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