[R] summary with names

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at web.de
Thu Oct 16 19:12:25 CEST 2003

Philippe Glaziou schrieb:


> Can you give us an example of summary not giving variable names?

I could send you my data frame, but that's surely not what you
want =). Your following example prints the value names on my
machine, too. But my data frame does not. And the summary
isn't printed among one another but abreast. Sorry, can't tell
you why. But I will try to create a simple example.



Christoph Bier, Dipl.Oecotroph., Email: bier at wiz.uni-kassel.de
Universitaet Kassel, FG Oekologische Lebensmittelqualitaet und
Ernaehrungskultur \\ Postfach 12 52 \\ 37202 Witzenhausen
Tel.: +49 (0) 55 42 / 98 -17 21, Fax: -17 13

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