[R] length() of vector after using strptime()

David Whiting david.whiting at ncl.ac.uk
Fri Oct 10 19:09:25 CEST 2003


I am trying to parse a date (that is read in as a factor) and add it
to a dataframe.  The length of the parsed date is shorter than the
length of unparsed date and I therefore cannot add it to the dataframe:

> x
  [1] 20030807 20030807 20030807 20030808 20030809 20030809 20030809 20030809
  [9] 20030808 20030808 20030809 20030808 20030808 20030819 20030819 20030821
[129] 20030808 20030805 20030726 20030810 20030805 20030811 20030816 20030818
[137] 20030811

> length(x)
[1] 137
> xParsed <- strptime(as.character(x), "%Y%m%d")
> xParsed
  [1] "2003-08-07" "2003-08-07" "2003-08-07" "2003-08-08" "2003-08-09"
  [6] "2003-08-09" "2003-08-09" "2003-08-09" "2003-08-08" "2003-08-08"
[131] "2003-07-26" "2003-08-10" "2003-08-05" "2003-08-11" "2003-08-16"
[136] "2003-08-18" "2003-08-11"
> length(xParsed)
[1] 9
> dta$dateint <- xParsed
Error in "$<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`, "dateint", value = xParsed) : 
	replacement has 9 rows, data has 137

platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch     i686             
os       linux-gnu        
system   i686, linux-gnu  
major    1                
minor    8.0              
year     2003             
month    10               
day      08               
language R                

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


David Whiting
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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