[R] Why does a[which(b == c[d])] not work?

Tony Plate tplate at blackmesacapital.com
Wed Oct 8 16:58:32 CEST 2003

At Wednesday 03:06 PM 10/8/2003 +0200, Martin Maechler wrote:
>Your question has been answered by Achim and Peter Dalgaard (at least).
>Just a note:
>        a[which(logic)]
>looks like a clumsy and inefficient way of writing
>        a[ logic ]
>and I think you shouldn't propagate its use ...

What then is the recommended way of treating an NA in the logical subset as 
a FALSE? (Or were you just talking about the given example, which didn't 
have this issue.  However, you admonition seemed more general.)

As in:
 > x <- 1:4
 > y <- c(1,2,NA,4)
 > x[y %% 2 == 0]
[1]  2 NA  4
 > x[which(y %% 2 == 0)]
[1] 2 4

Sometimes one might want the first result, but more usually, I want the 
second, and using which() seems a convenient way to get it.

-- Tony Plate

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