[R] please help me on this problem

Jason Turner jasont at indigoindustrial.co.nz
Sun Oct 5 12:24:01 CEST 2003

Yong Wang wrote:

> Dear all:
> I am totally new to R, actually, statistics software.I get two very
> simple, even stupid question:
> 1) where I should put the data file in order to use it , I tried to build
> a
> work dir in library( package:base) and save the text file (data) there,

I'm not sure where such a work directory might be, but it sounds like 
you need to show a TA what you did.

It sounds like you need to carefully read the FAQ.


the follow the "Frequently Asked Questions" link, and (if you're using R 
on windows) the "FAQ for Windows Port"

> then, I use read.table(filename), not work; I tried the full path, still
> not work. I must have done something wrong.

Quite likely.  But without more details, there's no way to say more. 
There isn't only one way to make a mistake, so there isn't one answer to 
"it didn't work".

Read the FAQ.  It really does help.  Read it carefully, and not in a 
frame of mind where you're saying to yourself "I'll never understand 
this, this can't possibly help."  You will, it can.

> 2) is it possible to create a data file in R instead of put data in a txt
> file and then save the file under R?

Yes, after you've got a grip on the above.  *After* the above is clear, 
read the help pages for "save" and "load".

Read the FAQ.

> I tried to find answer from the introduction, failed.

But not the FAQ, presumably.

> I really appreciate your help, thank you very much.

No problem.  By the way, read the FAQ.


Indigo Industrial Controls Ltd.
jasont at indigoindustrial.co.nz

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