[R] cclust - cindex - binary data

bruno.giordano@unipd.it bruno.giordano at unipd.it
Fri Nov 28 12:10:24 CET 2003

I'm trying to debug a function I wrote to calculate the cindex for a
hierarchical tree.
For this it is useful to compare my calculations with those in output from
the clustindex function, in the cclust library.
There's no way, however, to have the cindex value for a given output of the
cclust function, as a NA value is always returned.
This happens almost surely because the cindex in clustIndex is calculated
only for binary data, but, in turn, I can't find a way to specify either
with the cclust function or with the clustIndex function, that an eventual
input data set is binary.

Thanks a lot

Bruno L. Giordano - Ph. D. student
Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale
Via Venezia 8 - 35131 Padova, Italy

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