[R] statistical prediction for glm()

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Mon Nov 24 16:53:49 CET 2003

      The help page for "predict" says it is a generic function.  Then 
command 'methods("predict")' reveals a function called "predict.glm", 
which has its own help page.  Does that provide what you want? 

      Also, I didn't find your earlier post in "www.r-project.org" -> 
"search" -> "R site search".  I found 15 hits for "martin wegmann 
prediction glm", but none that looked like your question below;  perhaps 
someone else can explain why I didn't find your earlier post.  I also 
found 25 hits for "statistical prediction for glm".  Have you looked at 
those?  One or more of them might help you.

hope this helps.  spencer graves

Martin Wegmann wrote:

>I apologize that I poste this question again but I did not receive any replies 
>on this topic and would like to know if the mail has been read over or if 
>there is no method of statistical prediction computation for poisson errors 
>in glm(). 
>I am looking for a way to compute the model prediciton error of a glm() with 
>poisson error family.
>cv.glm() does not work. (it prompts values around 90.00)
>A " not there isn't such a method" would be fine as well.
>Thanks in advance, Martin
>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

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