[R] R CMD check problems

Liaw, Andy andy_liaw at merck.com
Fri Nov 14 15:10:56 CET 2003

In the directory where you ran the check, you should have a subdirectory
like pkg.Rcheck (substitute "pkg" with the name of your package).  That's
where the package got installed for the purpose of the check.  You could try
to source() the files there and see if you can find the problem.


> From: Joerg Schaber [mailto:Joerg.Schaber at uv.es] 
> Hi,
> I am trying to create a R-package. When I load my R source 
> files using 
> source() for debugging reasons everthing works fine and all function 
> also do want they are supposed to do. However, when I run 'R 
> CMD check' 
> it stop with
> * checking R files for syntax errors ... ERROR
> Syntax error in file
> Is there a way to further investigate where the error is?
> greetings,
> joerg

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