Don't use the names of R functions as variable names (was [R] what does this multinom (actually model.frame) error mean?)

Prof Brian Ripley ripley at
Thu Nov 13 08:26:40 CET 2003

Note that is a *model.frame* error, not a multinom one.

Don't use the names of R functions as variable names!  I am sure that is
in the introductory documentation, and it is certainly stressed in my
books.  Although I cannot be sure it seems very likely (perhaps because of
the scoping induced by namespaces) that your `rep' is being matched to the

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Paul E. Johnson wrote:

> I have RedHat linux 9 with R 1.8.
> I'm estimating models with multinom with a dependent variable that has 3 
> different values.  Sometimes the models run fine and I can understand 
> the results.
> Sometimes when I put in another variable, I see an indication that the 
> estimation did work, but then I can't get the summary method to work.  
> It's like this:
>  > votemn1 <-  multinom(vote~V023022+rep+V023027+ V023131,data=nes2002)
> # weights:  18 (10 variable)
> initial  value 914.045424
> iter  10 value 474.831205
> iter  20 value 449.612637
> iter  20 value 449.612636
> iter  20 value 449.612636
> final  value 449.612636
> converged
>  > summary(votemn1)
> Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, 
> extranames,  :
>     invalid variable type
> In this model, rep is a dichotomous (0,1) variable indicating if a 
> person is a republican or not. If I drop that variable, the model does 
> run and the summary method produces estimates & standard errors.
>  > votemn2 <-  multinom(vote~V023022+V023027+ V023131,data=nes2002)
> # weights:  15 (8 variable)
> initial  value 917.341261
> iter  10 value 529.137064
> final  value 527.178682
> converged
>  > summary(votemn2)
> Call:
> multinom(formula = vote ~ V023022 + V023027 + V023131, data = nes2002)
> Coefficients:
>   (Intercept)    V023022    V023027     V023131
> 3  -2.2033403  0.9227144 -0.3835378 0.017960208
> 5  -0.8411559 -0.1853416 -0.2174085 0.005808468
> Std. Errors:
>   (Intercept)    V023022   V023027    V023131
> 3   0.5883961 0.07054401 0.0894393 0.05655965
> 5   1.2438595 0.14582161 0.1963035 0.12453307
> Residual Deviance: 1054.357
> AIC: 1070.357
> ...

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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