[R] Chron, as.POSIXct problem

Brian Beckage bbeckage at uvm.edu
Wed Nov 12 16:05:39 CET 2003

Dear R list,

I noticed the following 'problem' when changing the format of dates 
created with seq.dates() (from the Chron library) using as.POSIXct() 
(R 1.8.0 on OSX 10.2.8):

>  datesTest<-seq.dates(from="10/01/1952", length=3, by="days");
>  datesTest
[1] 10/01/52 10/02/52 10/03/52

# Now changing the format to show year as 1952.

>  datesTest<-format(as.POSIXct(datesTest), "%m/%d/%Y")
>  datesTest
[1] "09/30/1952" "10/01/1952" "10/02/1952"

The dates were shifted by one day.  The work around is simple enough, e.g.,

>  datesTest<-format(as.POSIXct(datesTest+1), "%m/%d/%Y")
[1] "10/01/1952" "10/02/1952" "10/03/1952"

but I wonder if this is the intended behavior?


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