[R] Effects of rounding on regression

Albyn Jones jones at reed.edu
Sat Nov 8 19:05:23 CET 2003

On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 07:37:46AM -0800, Spencer Graves wrote:
> Have you considered "?qr" and the references cited therein? 
> hope this helps.  spencer graves
> Peter Flom wrote:
> >Does anyone know of research on the effects of rounding on regression?
> >
> >e.g., when you ask people "How often have you _______?" you are more
> >likely to get answers like 100, 200, etc. than 98, 203, etc.
> >
> >I'm interested in investigating this, but don't want to reinvent the
> >wheel.
> >
> >thanks
> >
> >Peter

Are you asking about the propagation of rounding error in the 
computation, or about the statistical effects of measurement error?  

If the latter, and if the errors are in the explanatory variables, 
the keywords are "errors in variables".  One source is the text by 
Wayne Fuller "Measurement error Models" (1978, Wiley), and there is 
considerable literature more recently.

     "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too 
      much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
      -Thomas Jefferson
http://www.reed.edu/~jones    Albyn Jones	  jones at reed.edu
Reed College, Portland OR 97202             (503)-771-1112 x7418

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