[R] matching of arguments in ...?

David Firth d.firth at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Nov 5 14:56:40 CET 2003

I am puzzled by this (with R --vanilla):

   > test <- function(formula, ...) lm(formula, ...)
   > test(1:4 ~ 1, offset=rep(1,4))
   Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : ..1 used in an incorrect 
context, no ... to look in
   >  test(1:4 ~ 1, weights=rep(1,4))
   Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : ..1 used in an incorrect 
context, no ... to look in
   >  test(1:4 ~ 1, x=TRUE)

   lm(formula = formula, x = TRUE)


Some arguments (such as x) seem to pass willingly through ..., while 
others (such as offset and weights) do not.  Same thing happens with 
glm.  I haven't experimented more widely.

Can some kind soul offer an explanation?


 > version
platform powerpc-apple-darwin6.7.5
arch     powerpc
os       darwin6.7.5
system   powerpc, darwin6.7.5
major    1
minor    8.0
year     2003
month    10
day      08
language R

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