[R] Coefficients: (20 not defined because of singularities)

Thomas Fischer th.fischer at gmx.net
Fri May 30 10:44:55 CEST 2003


I am trying to run a linear regression analysis on my data set. For some 
reason most variables are removed due to singularities.

My linear regression looks this way (I am using only partial data, which 
is selected by flags):

fm<-lm(log(cplex6.time..sec..[flags]) ~ cplex6.cities[flags] + 
log(1/features.meanOver.frust[flags]) + 
log(1/features.meanOver.minDist[flags]) +
avg..steps.to.loc..Opt..norm..[flags] + NN.List.opt..tour.max.[flags])

As I am using inversion and logarithms I set all data to positiv values, 
before running lm():


Retrieving the summary of fm, I get the message, that some coefficients 
have been removed.

Coefficients: (20 not defined because of singularities)
                                                Estimate Std. Error t 
(Intercept)                                      87.2162    44.1148   
log(1/features.meanOver.frust[flags])            -2.5298     0.1515 
log(1/features.meanOver.minDist[flags])         154.7170    11.3917  
log(1/features.meanOver.quant25Dist[flags])    -943.4625    71.3505 
log(1/features.meanOver.quart1SpanDist[flags])  776.1049    60.0571  
log(1/features.meanOver.spanDist[flags])         -9.8069     0.1400 
log(1/features.meanOver.varDist[flags])         -11.3211     0.6715 
log(1/features.quant25Over.minDist[flags])      -46.9655     3.1438 
avg..steps.to.loc..Opt..norm..[flags]             0.8324     1.0919   
(Intercept)                                      0.0511 .
log(1/features.meanOver.frust[flags])            <2e-16 ***
log(1/features.meanOver.minDist[flags])          <2e-16 ***
log(1/features.meanOver.quant25Dist[flags])      <2e-16 ***
log(1/features.meanOver.quart1SpanDist[flags])   <2e-16 ***
log(1/features.meanOver.spanDist[flags])         <2e-16 ***
log(1/features.meanOver.varDist[flags])          <2e-16 ***
log(1/features.quant25Over.minDist[flags])       <2e-16 ***
avg..steps.to.loc..Opt..norm..[flags]            0.4478
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

The summary of one of the removed coefficients looks like this:

> summary(features.spanOver.quart1SpanDist[flags])
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
0.05584 0.05797 0.06366 0.06311 0.06674 0.07290
> summary(log(1/features.spanOver.quart1SpanDist[flags]))
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  2.619   2.707   2.754   2.767   2.848   2.885

The summary of a coefficient that was kept looks this way:

> summary(features.quant25Over.minDist[flags])
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.
0.001030 0.001030 0.001030 0.001032 0.001030 0.001040
> summary(log(1/features.quant25Over.minDist[flags]))
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  6.869   6.878   6.878   6.877   6.878   6.878

So, I don't see the difference. Why has the first coefficient been 
removed and the second one kept?
Please help me.

I'm using R 1.6.2 on a Linux x86 machine.

Thomas Fischer

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