[R] [R ] Query : problems with the arithmetic operator "^" with function "lme"

MARTIN  Ludovic martinl at mathinfo.ens.univ-reims.fr
Thu May 22 16:25:58 CEST 2003

Dear all,

I've got a problem in including square variables in lme function. I've 
tried to work on Dialyzer data of Pinheiro and Bates'book. 

We fit the heteroscedastic model with:

> data(Dialyzer)
> fm2Dial.lme<-lme(rate~(pressure+pressure^2+pressure^3+pressure^4)*QB,
+    Dialyzer,~pressure+pressure^2,weights=varPower(form=~pressure))

We Obtain

> fm2Dial.lme

Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: Dialyzer 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -488.4535
  Fixed: rate ~ (pressure + pressure^2 + pressure^3 + pressure^4) * QB 
   (Intercept)       pressure          QB300 pressure:QB300 
     39.362769       1.480331      -4.547449       7.515690 

Random effects:
 Formula: ~pressure + pressure^2 | Subject
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev     Corr  
(Intercept) 0.01102331 (Intr)
pressure    1.26972080 -0.823
Residual    8.79053329       

Variance function:
 Structure: Power of variance covariate
 Formula: ~pressure 
 Parameter estimates:
Number of Observations: 140
Number of Groups: 20 

They are not coefficients associated with the "pressure^2, 
pressure^3, ..."
However, the model called is " rate ~ (pressure + pressure^2 + 
pressure^3 + pressure^4) * QB " . "^" is a problem !
So, we fit the model like this, including two matrices, for the fixed 
effects and the random effects:


Now, we fit the same model like this:

+    Dialyzer,~PressureB,weights=varPower(form=~pressure))

We obtain:

Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: Dialyzer 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -309.5058
  Fixed: rate ~ (PressureA) * QB 
   (Intercept)     PressureA1     PressureA2     PressureA3     
   -17.6805986     93.7145527    -49.1906874     12.2471222      
. . . 
Random effects:
 Formula: ~PressureB | Subject
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev   Corr         
(Intercept) 1.859195 (Intr) PrssB1
PressureB1  5.327444 -0.523       
PressureB2  1.648356  0.364 -0.954
Residual    1.261931              
. . .
Now, it's OK. The anova method returns
> anova(fm3Dial.lme)
             numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)      1   112 551.5492  <.0001
PressureA        4   112 968.6231  <.0001
QB               1    18   4.7268  0.0433
PressureA:QB     4   112  20.9273  <.0001

However, the anova method is used to test the significanse of the terms 
in the order they were entered in the model. In Pinheiro and 
Bates'book, the result is

                   numDF denDF  F-value p-value
      (Intercept)      1   112    552.9  <.0001
         pressure      1   112   2328.6  <.0001
    I(pressure^2)      1   112   1174.6  <.0001
           ...         ... ...     ...   ...
  I(pressure^2):QB     1   112      1.4  0.2477
  I(pressure^3):QB     1   112      2.2  0.1370
  I(pressure^4):QB     1   112      0.2  0.6840

The three large p-values suggest they are not needed in the model. They 
could be elimated from the model. It isn't indicated when we use 
matrices PressureA and PressureB ! So, how can we do? 
I would be grateful if anyone could help me.


Martin Ludovic.

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