[R] legend() with option adj=1

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Wed May 21 09:19:11 CEST 2003

Jerome Asselin wrote:
> Hi there,
> I want to justify to right the text of my legend. Consider this short 
> reproducable example.
> x <- 1:5
> y1 <- 1/x
> y2 <- 2/x
> plot(rep(x,2),c(y1,y2),type="n",xlab="x",ylab="y")
> lines(x,y1)
> lines(x,y2,lty=2)
> legend(5,2,c("1,000","1,000,000"),lty=1:2,xjust=1,yjust=1)
> legend(5,1.5,c("1,000","1,000,000"),lty=1:2,xjust=1,yjust=1,adj=1)
> Now, I would like to right-justify the text of the legend. As you can see, 
> the option adj=1 does not give satisfactory results.
> Is this a bug or is there an easy way that I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> Jerome

Works, e.g., with the following little trick:

  x <- 1:5
  y1 <- 1/x
  y2 <- 2/x
  temp <- legend(5, 2, legend = c(" ", " "),
    text.width = strwidth("1,000,000"), lty = 1:2, xjust = 1, yjust = 1)
  text(temp$rect$left + temp$rect$w, temp$text$y,
     c("1,000", "1,000,000"), pos=2)

See ?legend for details, in particular the returned value.

Uwe Ligges

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