[R] NA points in loess function

Yao, Minghua yao6889 at msmailhub.oulan.ou.edu
Fri Jun 27 17:33:38 CEST 2003


I used

where Y and X are of the same length. But there are same NA's in both Y and
X. Those NA's are in the same locations in Y and X. The following is the
error messageI got:

Error in "[<-"(*tmp*, , i, value = predict(loess(Y~X))) : 
        number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

If I replaced the NA's with a number, the function worked. What I want to do
is to ignores those NA's. help(loess) doesn't say how to give value to
na.action. It just says the default is to stop. Please help. Thank you in

-Minghua Yao

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