[R] table in x-y diagram

Christian Schulz ozric at web.de
Mon Jun 23 09:12:37 CEST 2003

Great, and many thanks for all suggestions,
now i'm trying your suggestions.

But Paul, here an example,too for my table :

I draw circle's, which are located
for Y ~ V61 and X ~ V409.
Further i like to control the size
of the circle dependent from
"Number of Persons" in Cluster X.


And finally add a table with any means for the clusters like this. 

Cluster  V61 V304  V409  V17
1 cluster1 1.00 2.16  6.09 6.24
2 cluster2 2.29 2.00  5.69 5.79
3 cluster3 2.00 1.00  6.33 5.67
4 cluster4 2.84 5.00  8.94 5.27
5 cluster5 3.00 2.77  8.18 5.62
6 cluster6 1.00 4.00 14.00 6.00
7 cluster7 4.00 2.56  7.01 5.04
8 cluster8 2.00 2.97  8.55 6.09

Many thanks & regards,

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