[R] colors in bwplot with jpeg device

Martina Pavlicova pavlicov at stat.ohio-state.edu
Mon Jun 16 10:34:36 CEST 2003

Hello all,

I would appreciate a lot your help - thank you...

I have a problem with printing a jpeg pic of bwplots. I would like to
have a background color "#E6E6E6" and all lines in graph color "#8c0200".

power.ch <- matrix(rnorm(90, 0,1), 30,3)
alpha.ch <- c(".010", ".050", ".100")

jpeg(file="help.please.jpg", width=300, height=300, pointsize=36,
     quality=95, bg="#E6E6E6")
print.trellis(bwplot((power.ch)~matrix(rep(alpha.ch, rep(30,3)),30,3, byrow=F),
                 horizontal=F, cex.axis=2, cex.lab=2,
                 xlab="", ylab="", col.bg="#E6E6E6", fill ="#8c0200",
                scales=list(x=list(cex=3), y=list(cex=3))))

Could you please let me know how to change the background and how to
change the blue outline of the boxplots into me specified color?

Thank you a lot.

Martina Pavlicova

Department of Statistics             Office Phone: (614) 292-1567
1958 Neil Avenue, 304E Cockins Hall  FAX: (614) 292-2096
The Ohio State University            E-mail: pavlicov at stat.ohio-state.edu
Columbus, OH 43210-1247              www.stat.ohio-state.edu/~pavlicov

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