[R] probe design

Kurt Sys kurt.sys at UGent.be
Mon Jun 16 09:20:27 CEST 2003

Mail from Laurent Gautier
sent on Friday June 13 2003 at 17:29 (GMT+0200):

   On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 03:56:47PM +0200, Kurt Sys wrote:
   > Hello,
   > this is a quite specific topic, but I just wonder if there are
   > some R packages present for 'probe design'.
   > tnx, Kurt.
   What do you mean by "probe design" ? Are you referring to
   microarrays ?

Yes, that's what I mean, but actually it doesn't matter a lot. Probes
can be used different molecular techniques, can't they?
My second question would 've been: are there any packages for
microarray design, supposing I have a list of possible probes (with
appropriate melting temperatures etc) for each organism or group of


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