[R] Normalizing data

Wolfgang Viechtbauer wviechtb at s.psych.uiuc.edu
Sat Jun 14 20:09:18 CEST 2003

> >I have a question about normalizing data. The goal is to normalize the
> >dataset per column, so all the data in each column is scaled to the
> >interval (0,1), will have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Note that standardizing (i.e., taking a bunch of observations,
subtracting the mean, and dividing by the standard deviation) does not
necessarily ensure that the data will fall into any particular interval.
In fact, it is impossible for the data to fall into the interval (0,1)
because some observations will be above and some below the mean.

Wolfgang Viechtbauer

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